Trog with Ghoul in Wasteland
*** Description ***
I added 4 Trogs(Fledgling,Normal,Brute,Savage) to ghoul's leveled list, so you can meet them in various places where ghoul spawn.
Additionally, I built up their body scale and decreased player's level requirements to meet.
----------------- Scale -------------- LV Requirements --------
Fledgling ..... 0.8 >>> 1.0 ......... 1 >>> 1
Normal ........ 1.0 >>> 1.2 ......... 4 >>> 3
Brute ............ 1.1 >>> 1.6 ....... 10 >>> 6
Savage ........ 1.2 >>> 2.0 ....... 20 >>> 9
I prepared tougher(3 times greater HP) and MMM compatible version too.
----------------- Health Points ---------------------
Fledgling ..... 15 >>> 45 (x3)
Normal ........ 30 >>> 90 (x3)
Brute ............ 50 >>> 150 (x3)
Savage ........ 65 >>> 260 (x4!)
*** Requirements ***
DLC2 The Pitt
MMM(RC5) {Optional}
*** Install & Uninstall ***
Very easy, check or uncheck .esp file.
I was astonished to find very similar mod, KDS Trogs in the Wasteland, is uploaded same day! Incredible, indeed.
可以和MMM RC5共同使用, 早前還有那個潛行者怪物MOD, 廢土越來越熱鬧~
http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=11562&navtag=file/images.php?id=11562&tab=3 最讨厌僵尸,自从去了望海崖回来一枪爆头一个.... 討厭殭屍+1,
這討論區是輻射還是惡靈古堡? 試過了..不帶有輻射少女中的那個特殊物種... 群魔乱舞 謝謝lz LZ说的潜行者怪物是哪个帖子的