Radious三排轮射更新! 更新投弹兵精英部队轮射!(转发)
Radious三排轮射更新! 更新投弹兵精英部队轮射!Hello everyone, i just finished working on my old mod from ETW, where i managed to change fire drills as i liked for Line and Elite infantry. Now it should be fully compatible with NTW. Since NTW didnt had from basic FBR (no idea why, because it works perfect here) i edited it so most infantry can now use this drill.
1.All Elite and Line infantry should now use Fire by Rank 一切优秀和线步兵现在都使用轮射
2.Fire in Advance was removed - useless as it always was in ETW 提前开火被去除
3.Grenadiers, Light Infantry and Skirmishers stays as they are in vanilla. 掷弹兵,轻步兵和散兵保留
4.For request i made another version where only Elite units using FBR, Line infantry is now vanilla 对于要求提出另一个版本,是只有精锐部队轮射,线步兵保留原版
5.Added another version which just removes Fire and Advance (no FBR, its made for people who do not like from some reason FBR but think that FaA is stupid mainly in AI hands which hardly can form line properly for it before it gets killed) 新增另一个版本,只是去除推进射击
6.Another version added, EliteV2 - FBR for Elite units and Grenadiers 另一个版本说,EliteV2 - 优秀单位和投弹兵轮射
7.Another version added FBR_ALL - Elite, Line and Grenadiers using FBR 另一个版本说FBR_ALL - 精英,线步兵和投弹兵轮射
Version Description:
Classic - Elite units and Line Infantry using FBR 经典 -精锐部队和步兵使用轮射
Elite - Elite units using FBR 精英 -精锐部队使用轮射
EliteV2 - Elite units and Grenadiers using FBR EliteV2 -优秀单位和投弹兵使用轮射
ALL - Elite, Line and Grenadiers using FBR 全部 -精英,线步兵和投弹兵轮射
(use download links or attached file)
Radious Fire mods.rar (Contains all 3 versions of my FBR mod - Classic, Elite and EliteV2)(包含所有3个版本的我的快堆模-经典,精英和EliteV2)
Radious_No_FaA.rar (Only removal of FAA, so no FBR added)(推进射击去除,所以没有加轮射)
Radious_FBR_All.rar (Contains latest version released 12.4.2010 - Radious_FBR_All)(包含最新版本发布的2010年4月12日- Radious_FBR_All)
Important info: All my mods created until today (Fire by Rank, Sound, Buldings, Upkeep + Limit removal and No Dust + Morale) are fully compatible together and no matter which version from them you will use. You can use them seperately, but for best gamming experience i recommend to use them all together. There may be some problems with other mods which modding same files. I hope you will enjoy them and they will bring you better times with NTW.
重要信息:我制作所有的mod(轮射,声音,Buldings,保养+极限切除,无粉尘+士气)完全兼容在一起,无论哪个版本,你都可以使用。 你可以分开使用它们,但为了达到最佳,我推荐使用它们放在一起使用。可能会发生与其他相同的文件改装mod的一些问题。我希望你会喜欢他们,他们会让你的拿破仑带来新的感受。
转自黄龙论坛,如有冒犯,请多包涵 估计大家都用了吧,我来发发3DM没有发过的,赚点钱买糖吃 這個……放哪個文件夾…… 怎么安装??安装哪个??拜托楼主能给个稍微傻瓜一些的教程!多谢了! 应该放在data文件夹下吧 呃,我是小白,怎么处理这几个文件?请楼主指点一二,谢谢! 怎么安装??安装哪个??拜托楼主能给个稍微傻瓜一些的教程!多谢了! 怎么安装??安装哪个??拜托楼主傻瓜能给个稍微傻瓜一些的教程!多谢了! 所谓精锐部队指什么?经验高的部队还是高级兵种? 好东西收下~~ 终于让射击效率达到了最高化 hao dx woxihuan 士兵会自动重叠在一起 误伤率很高 回复 1# liga110
强悍,顶顶顶顶顶顶!!! DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD 回复 10# yangchi
各国的近卫军 感谢分享 用了以后排射会把荷兰掷弹兵和海军陆战队方阵技能覆盖掉,不过可以用给这两个兵种添加长枪方阵的技能解决
可以下载吗,我下载不了哇 dddddddddddddd 没资源了! 感谢分享 感谢分享 该文件无法提取
可以下载吗,我下载不了哇 有没搞错啊不能下了 地址都挂了,请补个百度盘好吗?????? 楼主还在吗,地址都挂了,补个百度盘好吗???跪求