WIN7:C:UsersSeraphimAppDataLocalGas Powered GamesSupreme Commander 2下的Game.prefs文件,包括设置和战役存档。通关的麻烦发上来。
谢谢了。 若麻烦请用文本格式打开Game.prefs文件。
找到 campaign = {
Tutorial = {
SC2_CA_TUT_01 = {
{ },
ScoreSummary = {
ObjectivesPoints = 5000,
HighMedals = 5,
OverallPoints = 20000,
TimePoints = 5000,
OverallMedals = 5,
ResearchPoints = 5000,
IsTutorial = true,
MedalType = 3,
CombatStars = 5,
CombatPoints = 5000,
ResearchStars = 5,
TimeStars = 5,
ObjectivesStars = 5
ScoreImproved = false,
allSecondary = true,
allPrimary = true
{ },
completedObjectives = {
'<LOC SCENARIO_0499>Pan and Scan',
'<LOC SCENARIO_0503>Spin Me Round',
'<LOC SCENARIO_0507>A New Angle',
'<LOC SCENARIO_0511>Zoom!',
'<LOC SCENARIO_0515>Select Me',
"<LOC SCENARIO_0519>Get Movin'",
'<LOC SCENARIO_0523>Energy Assassin',
'<LOC SCENARIO_0527>Capture Me',
'<LOC SCENARIO_0531>Tank Attack',
'<LOC SCENARIO_0533>Land Zone',
'<LOC SCENARIO_0537>Amass Mass',
'<LOC SCENARIO_0539>Energize',
'<LOC SCENARIO_0541>Giving Tanks',
'<LOC SCENARIO_0545>Add Add-Ons',
'<LOC SCENARIO_0549>Base of Operations'
success = true,
allSecondary = true,
allPrimary = true
SC2_CA_TUT_02 = {
{ },
ScoreSummary = {
ObjectivesPoints = 5000,
HighMedals = 5,
OverallPoints = 20000,
TimePoints = 5000,
OverallMedals = 5,
ResearchPoints = 5000,
IsTutorial = true,
MedalType = 3,
CombatStars = 5,
CombatPoints = 5000,
ResearchStars = 5,
TimeStars = 5,
ObjectivesStars = 5
ScoreImproved = false,
allSecondary = true,
allPrimary = true
{ },
completedObjectives = {
"<LOC SCENARIO_0571>Let's Do Science",
'<LOC SCENARIO_0575>Face Off',
'<LOC SCENARIO_0577>Station to Station',
'<LOC SCENARIO_0579>The Big Picture',
'<LOC SCENARIO_0583>The War on Science'
success = true,
allSecondary = true,
allPrimary = true
Illuminate = {
SC2_CA_I01 = {
{ },
ScoreSummary = {
ObjectivesPoints = 5000,
HighMedals = 4,
OverallPoints = 19666.666015625,
TimePoints = 5000,
OverallMedals = 4,
ResearchPoints = 4666.6665039063,
IsTutorial = false,
MedalType = 2,
CombatStars = 5,
CombatPoints = 5000,
ResearchStars = 4,
TimeStars = 5,
ObjectivesStars = 5
ScoreImproved = false,
allSecondary = true,
allPrimary = true
{ },
completedObjectives = {
'<LOC SCENARIO_0227>Sink or Swim',
'<LOC SCENARIO_0231>Research Technology',
'<LOC SCENARIO_0229>Ripped to Shreds',
'<LOC SCENARIO_0233>Blockhead'
success = true,
allSecondary = true,
allPrimary = true
SC2_CA_I02 = {
{ },
ScoreSummary = {
ObjectivesPoints = 5000,
HighMedals = 4,
OverallPoints = 16165.095703125,
TimePoints = 1165.0952148438,
OverallMedals = 4,
ResearchPoints = 5000,
IsTutorial = false,
MedalType = 2,
CombatStars = 5,
CombatPoints = 5000,
ResearchStars = 5,
TimeStars = 0,
ObjectivesStars = 5
ScoreImproved = true,
allSecondary = true,
allPrimary = true
{ },
completedObjectives = {
'<LOC SCENARIO_0238>Unsafe Landing',
'<LOC SCENARIO_0240>Alarming Production',
'<LOC SCENARIO_0244>Research Technology',
'<LOC SCENARIO_0242>Big Surprise'
success = true,
allSecondary = true,
allPrimary = true
SC2_CA_I03 = {
{ },
ScoreSummary = {
OverallMedals = 4,
TimeStars = 0,
OverallPoints = 16537.666015625,
TimePoints = 1537.6666259766,
ObjectivesPoints = 5000,
ResearchPoints = 5000,
ResearchStars = 5,
MedalType = 2,
CombatStars = 5,
CombatPoints = 5000,
IsTutorial = false,
HighMedals = 4,
ObjectivesStars = 5
ScoreImproved = false,
allPrimary = true,
allSecondary = true
{ },
allPrimary = true,
success = true,
allSecondary = true,
completedObjectives = {
'<LOC SCENARIO_0251>The Big House',
'<LOC SCENARIO_0255>Research Technology',
'<LOC SCENARIO_0257>Insecure',
'<LOC SCENARIO_0259>Not the Bees!',
'<LOC SCENARIO_0253>Out of Control',
'<LOC SCENARIO_0261>Pro Anti-Air',
'<LOC SCENARIO_0263>Agent Provocateur'
UEF = {
SC2_CA_U03 = {
{ },
ScoreSummary = {
OverallMedals = 4,
TimeStars = 2,
OverallPoints = 17000,
TimePoints = 2000,
ObjectivesPoints = 5000,
ResearchPoints = 5000,
ResearchStars = 5,
MedalType = 2,
CombatStars = 5,
CombatPoints = 5000,
IsTutorial = false,
HighMedals = 4,
ObjectivesStars = 5
ScoreImproved = false,
allPrimary = true,
allSecondary = true
{ },
allPrimary = true,
success = true,
allSecondary = true,
completedObjectives = {
'<LOC SCENARIO_0441>Mass Attack',
'<LOC SCENARIO_0449>Research Technology',
'<LOC SCENARIO_0443>End Gauge',
'<LOC SCENARIO_0447>Get Kraken',
'<LOC SCENARIO_0451>Master of the Seas',
'<LOC SCENARIO_0445>Left Behind'
SC2_CA_U06 = {
{ },
ScoreSummary = {
ObjectivesPoints = 5000,
HighMedals = 4,
OverallPoints = 17000,
TimePoints = 3000,
OverallMedals = 4,
ResearchPoints = 4000,
IsTutorial = false,
MedalType = 2,
CombatStars = 5,
CombatPoints = 5000,
ResearchStars = 4,
TimeStars = 3,
ObjectivesStars = 5
ScoreImproved = false,
allSecondary = true,
allPrimary = true
{ },
completedObjectives = {
'<LOC SCENARIO_0484>Panic Attack',
'<LOC SCENARIO_0486>Chain Reaction',
'<LOC SCENARIO_0490>Research Technology',
'<LOC SCENARIO_0488>Core Damage'
success = true,
allSecondary = true,
allPrimary = true
SC2_CA_U05 = {
{ },
ScoreSummary = {
OverallMedals = 4,
TimeStars = 3,
OverallPoints = 18000,
TimePoints = 3000,
ObjectivesPoints = 5000,
ResearchPoints = 5000,
ResearchStars = 5,
MedalType = 2,
CombatStars = 5,
CombatPoints = 5000,
IsTutorial = false,
HighMedals = 4,
ObjectivesStars = 5
ScoreImproved = false,
allPrimary = true,
allSecondary = true
{ },
allPrimary = true,
success = true,
allSecondary = true,
completedObjectives = {
'<LOC SCENARIO_0471>Evacuation',
'<LOC SCENARIO_0475>Research Technology',
'<LOC SCENARIO_0473>Following Orders',
'<LOC SCENARIO_0477>Nuke Nuker'
SC2_CA_U02 = {
{ },
ScoreSummary = {
OverallMedals = 4,
TimeStars = 1,
OverallPoints = 16000,
TimePoints = 1000,
ObjectivesPoints = 5000,
ResearchPoints = 5000,
ResearchStars = 5,
MedalType = 2,
CombatStars = 5,
CombatPoints = 5000,
IsTutorial = false,
HighMedals = 4,
ObjectivesStars = 5
ScoreImproved = false,
allPrimary = true,
allSecondary = true
{ },
allPrimary = true,
success = true,
allSecondary = true,
completedObjectives = {
'<LOC SCENARIO_0426>On the Defensive',
'<LOC SCENARIO_0428>Look to the Skies',
'<LOC SCENARIO_0430>Research Technology',
'<LOC SCENARIO_0432>Base of Operations',
'<LOC SCENARIO_0434>Economic Meltdown'
SC2_CA_U04 = {
{ },
ScoreSummary = {
OverallMedals = 4,
TimeStars = 5,
OverallPoints = 19933.333984375,
TimePoints = 5000,
ObjectivesPoints = 5000,
ResearchPoints = 5000,
ResearchStars = 5,
MedalType = 2,
CombatStars = 4,
CombatPoints = 4933.3334960938,
IsTutorial = false,
HighMedals = 4,
ObjectivesStars = 5
ScoreImproved = false,
allPrimary = true,
allSecondary = true
{ },
allPrimary = true,
success = true,
allSecondary = true,
completedObjectives = {
'<LOC SCENARIO_0456>Cool Off Coleman',
'<LOC SCENARIO_0458>Big and Deadly',
'<LOC SCENARIO_0464>Research Technology',
'<LOC SCENARIO_0460>Take Control',
'<LOC SCENARIO_0462>More Control'
SC2_CA_U01 = {
{ },
ScoreSummary = {
ObjectivesPoints = 5000,
HighMedals = 4,
OverallPoints = 16400,
TimePoints = 5000,
OverallMedals = 4,
ResearchPoints = 3000,
IsTutorial = false,
MedalType = 2,
CombatStars = 3,
CombatPoints = 3400,
ResearchStars = 3,
TimeStars = 5,
ObjectivesStars = 5
ScoreImproved = false,
allPrimary = true,
allSecondary = true
ScoreSummary = {
ObjectivesPoints = 4000,
HighMedals = 3,
OverallPoints = 26000,
TimePoints = 0,
OverallMedals = 3,
ResearchPoints = 4000,
IsTutorial = false,
MedalType = 3,
CombatStars = 5,
CombatPoints = 5000,
ResearchStars = 4,
TimeStars = 0,
ObjectivesStars = 4
ScoreImproved = false,
allSecondary = false,
allPrimary = false
completedObjectives = {
'<LOC SCENARIO_0413>Sneak Attack',
'<LOC SCENARIO_0415>Defensive Position',
'<LOC SCENARIO_0419>Research Technology',
'<LOC SCENARIO_0417>Experimental Invasion'
success = true,
allSecondary = true,
allPrimary = true
把从 campaign = { 开始一下的文本粘贴上来。
回复 2# lucifer99 的帖子
campaign = {Tutorial = {
SC2_CA_TUT_01 = {
{ },
ScoreSummary = {
OverallMedals = 5,
TimeStars = 5,
OverallPoints = 20000,
TimePoints = 5000,
ObjectivesPoints = 5000,
ResearchPoints = 5000,
ResearchStars = 5,
MedalType = 3,
CombatStars = 5,
CombatPoints = 5000,
IsTutorial = true,
HighMedals = 5,
ObjectivesStars = 5
ScoreImproved = false,
allSecondary = true,
allPrimary = true
{ },
completedObjectives = {
'<LOC SCENARIO_0499>Pan and Scan',
'<LOC SCENARIO_0503>Spin Me Round',
'<LOC SCENARIO_0507>A New Angle',
'<LOC SCENARIO_0511>Zoom!',
'<LOC SCENARIO_0515>Select Me',
"<LOC SCENARIO_0519>Get Movin'",
'<LOC SCENARIO_0523>Energy Assassin',
'<LOC SCENARIO_0527>Capture Me',
'<LOC SCENARIO_0531>Tank Attack',
'<LOC SCENARIO_0533>Land Zone',
'<LOC SCENARIO_0537>Amass Mass',
'<LOC SCENARIO_0539>Energize',
'<LOC SCENARIO_0541>Giving Tanks',
'<LOC SCENARIO_0545>Add Add-Ons',
'<LOC SCENARIO_0549>Base of Operations'
success = true,
allSecondary = true,
allPrimary = true
SC2_CA_TUT_02 = {
{ },
ScoreSummary = {
OverallMedals = 5,
TimeStars = 5,
OverallPoints = 20000,
TimePoints = 5000,
ObjectivesPoints = 5000,
ResearchPoints = 5000,
ResearchStars = 5,
MedalType = 3,
CombatStars = 5,
CombatPoints = 5000,
IsTutorial = true,
HighMedals = 5,
ObjectivesStars = 5
ScoreImproved = false,
allSecondary = true,
allPrimary = true
{ },
completedObjectives = {
"<LOC SCENARIO_0571>Let's Do Science",
'<LOC SCENARIO_0575>Face Off',
'<LOC SCENARIO_0577>Station to Station',
'<LOC SCENARIO_0579>The Big Picture',
'<LOC SCENARIO_0583>The War on Science'
success = true,
allSecondary = true,
allPrimary = true
Illuminate = {
SC2_CA_I02 = {
{ },
{ },
ScoreSummary = {
ObjectivesPoints = 5000,
HighMedals = 4,
OverallPoints = 34005.80859375,
TimePoints = 2002.9049072266,
OverallMedals = 4,
ResearchPoints = 5000,
IsTutorial = false,
MedalType = 3,
CombatStars = 5,
CombatPoints = 5000,
ResearchStars = 5,
TimeStars = 0,
ObjectivesStars = 5
ScoreImproved = false,
allSecondary = true,
allPrimary = true
completedObjectives = {
'<LOC SCENARIO_0238>Unsafe Landing',
'<LOC SCENARIO_0240>Alarming Production',
'<LOC SCENARIO_0244>Research Technology',
'<LOC SCENARIO_0242>Big Surprise'
success = true,
allSecondary = true,
allPrimary = true
SC2_CA_I06 = {
{ },
{ },
ScoreSummary = {
ObjectivesPoints = 5000,
HighMedals = 4,
OverallPoints = 33185.58984375,
TimePoints = 1592.7950439453,
OverallMedals = 4,
ResearchPoints = 5000,
IsTutorial = false,
MedalType = 3,
CombatStars = 5,
CombatPoints = 5000,
ResearchStars = 5,
TimeStars = 0,
ObjectivesStars = 5
ScoreImproved = false,
allSecondary = true,
allPrimary = true
completedObjectives = {
'<LOC SCENARIO_0290>Stand Off',
'<LOC SCENARIO_0292>Classmates',
'<LOC SCENARIO_0294>Research Technology',
'<LOC SCENARIO_0298>A Czar is Born'
success = true,
allSecondary = true,
allPrimary = true
SC2_CA_I05 = {
{ },
{ },
ScoreSummary = {
ObjectivesPoints = 5000,
HighMedals = 4,
OverallPoints = 33617.76953125,
TimePoints = 1808.8846435547,
OverallMedals = 4,
ResearchPoints = 5000,
IsTutorial = false,
MedalType = 3,
CombatStars = 5,
CombatPoints = 5000,
ResearchStars = 5,
TimeStars = 0,
ObjectivesStars = 5
ScoreImproved = false,
allSecondary = true,
allPrimary = true
completedObjectives = {
'<LOC SCENARIO_0277>Center of Attention',
'<LOC SCENARIO_0281>Space Temple Pilots',
'<LOC SCENARIO_0283>Research Technology',
'<LOC SCENARIO_0279>Mesa Mass'
success = true,
allSecondary = true,
allPrimary = true
SC2_CA_I04 = {
{ },
{ },
ScoreSummary = {
ObjectivesPoints = 5000,
HighMedals = 4,
OverallPoints = 32521.5,
TimePoints = 1260.75,
OverallMedals = 4,
ResearchPoints = 5000,
IsTutorial = false,
MedalType = 3,
CombatStars = 5,
CombatPoints = 5000,
ResearchStars = 5,
TimeStars = 0,
ObjectivesStars = 5
ScoreImproved = false,
allSecondary = true,
allPrimary = true
completedObjectives = {
'<LOC SCENARIO_0268>UEF No More',
'<LOC SCENARIO_0270>Research Technology'
success = true,
allSecondary = true,
allPrimary = true
SC2_CA_I01 = {
{ },
ScoreSummary = {
OverallMedals = 5,
TimeStars = 5,
OverallPoints = 25593.599609375,
TimePoints = 5000,
ObjectivesPoints = 5000,
ResearchPoints = 5000,
ResearchStars = 5,
MedalType = 2,
CombatStars = 5,
CombatPoints = 5000,
IsTutorial = false,
HighMedals = 5,
ObjectivesStars = 5
ScoreImproved = false,
allPrimary = true,
allSecondary = true
{ },
allPrimary = true,
success = true,
allSecondary = true,
completedObjectives = {
'<LOC SCENARIO_0227>Sink or Swim',
'<LOC SCENARIO_0231>Research Technology',
'<LOC SCENARIO_0229>Ripped to Shreds',
'<LOC SCENARIO_0233>Blockhead'
SC2_CA_I03 = {
{ },
{ },
ScoreSummary = {
ObjectivesPoints = 5000,
HighMedals = 4,
OverallPoints = 34220,
TimePoints = 2110,
OverallMedals = 4,
ResearchPoints = 5000,
IsTutorial = false,
MedalType = 3,
CombatStars = 5,
CombatPoints = 5000,
ResearchStars = 5,
TimeStars = 0,
ObjectivesStars = 5
ScoreImproved = false,
allSecondary = true,
allPrimary = true
completedObjectives = {
'<LOC SCENARIO_0251>The Big House',
'<LOC SCENARIO_0255>Research Technology',
'<LOC SCENARIO_0257>Insecure',
'<LOC SCENARIO_0261>Pro Anti-Air',
'<LOC SCENARIO_0253>Out of Control',
'<LOC SCENARIO_0259>Not the Bees!',
'<LOC SCENARIO_0263>Agent Provocateur'
success = true,
allSecondary = true,
allPrimary = true
}, UEF = {
SC2_CA_U03 = {
{ },
ScoreSummary = {
ObjectivesPoints = 5000,
HighMedals = 4,
OverallPoints = 16102.5,
TimePoints = 1102.5,
OverallMedals = 4,
ResearchPoints = 5000,
IsTutorial = false,
MedalType = 2,
CombatStars = 5,
CombatPoints = 5000,
ResearchStars = 5,
TimeStars = 0,
ObjectivesStars = 5
ScoreImproved = false,
allSecondary = true,
allPrimary = true
{ },
completedObjectives = {
'<LOC SCENARIO_0441>Mass Attack',
'<LOC SCENARIO_0449>Research Technology',
'<LOC SCENARIO_0443>End Gauge',
'<LOC SCENARIO_0447>Get Kraken',
'<LOC SCENARIO_0451>Master of the Seas',
'<LOC SCENARIO_0445>Left Behind'
success = true,
allSecondary = true,
allPrimary = true
SC2_CA_U06 = {
{ },
ScoreSummary = {
ObjectivesPoints = 5000,
HighMedals = 4,
OverallPoints = 16169,
TimePoints = 1169.0001220703,
OverallMedals = 4,
ResearchPoints = 5000,
IsTutorial = false,
MedalType = 2,
CombatStars = 5,
CombatPoints = 5000,
ResearchStars = 5,
TimeStars = 0,
ObjectivesStars = 5
ScoreImproved = false,
allSecondary = true,
allPrimary = true
{ },
completedObjectives = {
'<LOC SCENARIO_0484>Panic Attack',
'<LOC SCENARIO_0486>Chain Reaction',
'<LOC SCENARIO_0490>Research Technology',
'<LOC SCENARIO_0492>Nuke King',
'<LOC SCENARIO_0488>Core Damage'
success = true,
allSecondary = true,
allPrimary = true
SC2_CA_U05 = {
{ },
ScoreSummary = {
ObjectivesPoints = 5000,
HighMedals = 4,
OverallPoints = 16000,
TimePoints = 1000,
OverallMedals = 4,
ResearchPoints = 5000,
IsTutorial = false,
MedalType = 2,
CombatStars = 5,
CombatPoints = 5000,
ResearchStars = 5,
TimeStars = 1,
ObjectivesStars = 5
ScoreImproved = false,
allSecondary = true,
allPrimary = true
{ },
completedObjectives = {
'<LOC SCENARIO_0471>Evacuation',
'<LOC SCENARIO_0475>Research Technology',
'<LOC SCENARIO_0473>Following Orders',
'<LOC SCENARIO_0477>Nuke Nuker',
'<LOC SCENARIO_0479>Experimenter'
success = true,
allSecondary = true,
allPrimary = true
SC2_CA_U02 = {
{ },
ScoreSummary = {
ObjectivesPoints = 5000,
HighMedals = 4,
OverallPoints = 16000,
TimePoints = 1000,
OverallMedals = 4,
ResearchPoints = 5000,
IsTutorial = false,
MedalType = 2,
CombatStars = 5,
CombatPoints = 5000,
ResearchStars = 5,
TimeStars = 1,
ObjectivesStars = 5
ScoreImproved = false,
allSecondary = true,
allPrimary = true
{ },
completedObjectives = {
'<LOC SCENARIO_0426>On the Defensive',
'<LOC SCENARIO_0428>Look to the Skies',
'<LOC SCENARIO_0430>Research Technology',
'<LOC SCENARIO_0432>Base of Operations',
'<LOC SCENARIO_0434>Economic Meltdown'
success = true,
allSecondary = true,
allPrimary = true
SC2_CA_U04 = {
{ },
ScoreSummary = {
ObjectivesPoints = 5000,
HighMedals = 4,
OverallPoints = 16023.422851563,
TimePoints = 1023.4230957031,
OverallMedals = 4,
ResearchPoints = 5000,
IsTutorial = false,
MedalType = 2,
CombatStars = 5,
CombatPoints = 5000,
ResearchStars = 5,
TimeStars = 0,
ObjectivesStars = 5
ScoreImproved = false,
allSecondary = true,
allPrimary = true
{ },
completedObjectives = {
'<LOC SCENARIO_0456>Cool Off Coleman',
'<LOC SCENARIO_0458>Big and Deadly',
'<LOC SCENARIO_0464>Research Technology',
'<LOC SCENARIO_0460>Take Control',
'<LOC SCENARIO_0462>More Control'
success = true,
allSecondary = true,
allPrimary = true
SC2_CA_U01 = {
{ },
ScoreSummary = {
ObjectivesPoints = 5000,
HighMedals = 5,
OverallPoints = 20074.400390625,
TimePoints = 5000,
OverallMedals = 5,
ResearchPoints = 5000,
IsTutorial = false,
MedalType = 2,
CombatStars = 5,
CombatPoints = 5000,
ResearchStars = 5,
TimeStars = 5,
ObjectivesStars = 5
ScoreImproved = true,
allSecondary = true,
allPrimary = true
ScoreSummary = {
ObjectivesPoints = 4000,
HighMedals = 4,
OverallPoints = 32000,
TimePoints = 3000,
OverallMedals = 4,
ResearchPoints = 4000,
IsTutorial = false,
MedalType = 3,
CombatStars = 5,
CombatPoints = 5000,
ResearchStars = 4,
TimeStars = 3,
ObjectivesStars = 4
ScoreImproved = false,
allSecondary = true,
allPrimary = true
completedObjectives = {
'<LOC SCENARIO_0413>Sneak Attack',
'<LOC SCENARIO_0421>Survivor',
'<LOC SCENARIO_0415>Defensive Position',
'<LOC SCENARIO_0417>Experimental Invasion',
'<LOC SCENARIO_0419>Research Technology'
success = true,
allSecondary = true,
allPrimary = true
}, Cybran = {
SC2_CA_C04 = {
{ },
{ },
ScoreSummary = {
ObjectivesPoints = 5000,
HighMedals = 4,
OverallPoints = 32615.27734375,
TimePoints = 1307.6389160156,
OverallMedals = 4,
ResearchPoints = 5000,
IsTutorial = false,
MedalType = 3,
CombatStars = 5,
CombatPoints = 5000,
ResearchStars = 5,
TimeStars = 0,
ObjectivesStars = 5
ScoreImproved = false,
allSecondary = true,
allPrimary = true
completedObjectives = {
'<LOC SCENARIO_0192>Band of Commanders',
'<LOC SCENARIO_0194>Brothers and Sisters in Arms',
'<LOC SCENARIO_0196>Research Technology',
'<LOC SCENARIO_0198>Sultan of Soul'
success = true,
allSecondary = true,
allPrimary = true
SC2_CA_C05 = {
{ },
{ },
ScoreSummary = {
OverallMedals = 4,
TimeStars = 0,
OverallPoints = 35586.69140625,
TimePoints = 2793.3461914063,
ObjectivesPoints = 5000,
ResearchPoints = 5000,
ResearchStars = 5,
MedalType = 3,
CombatStars = 5,
CombatPoints = 5000,
IsTutorial = false,
HighMedals = 4,
ObjectivesStars = 5
ScoreImproved = false,
allPrimary = true,
allSecondary = true
allPrimary = true,
success = true,
allSecondary = true,
completedObjectives = {
'<LOC SCENARIO_0203>Well Stocked',
'<LOC SCENARIO_0205>Carrier Away',
'<LOC SCENARIO_0207>Research Technology',
'<LOC SCENARIO_0209>Master of the Deep'
SC2_CA_C02 = {
{ },
{ },
ScoreSummary = {
ObjectivesPoints = 5000,
HighMedals = 4,
OverallPoints = 32857.69140625,
TimePoints = 1428.8461914063,
OverallMedals = 4,
ResearchPoints = 5000,
IsTutorial = false,
MedalType = 3,
CombatStars = 5,
CombatPoints = 5000,
ResearchStars = 5,
TimeStars = 0,
ObjectivesStars = 5
ScoreImproved = false,
allSecondary = true,
allPrimary = true
completedObjectives = {
'<LOC SCENARIO_0168>Serve the Server',
'<LOC SCENARIO_0170>Research Technology',
'<LOC SCENARIO_0174>Great Escapist'
success = true,
allSecondary = true,
allPrimary = true
SC2_CA_C06 = {
{ },
ScoreSummary = {
ObjectivesPoints = 5000,
HighMedals = 4,
OverallPoints = 16501.48828125,
TimePoints = 1501.4873046875,
OverallMedals = 4,
ResearchPoints = 5000,
IsTutorial = false,
MedalType = 2,
CombatStars = 5,
CombatPoints = 5000,
ResearchStars = 5,
TimeStars = 0,
ObjectivesStars = 5
ScoreImproved = true,
allSecondary = true,
allPrimary = true
ScoreSummary = {
OverallMedals = 3,
TimeStars = 0,
OverallPoints = 28000,
TimePoints = 0,
ObjectivesPoints = 4000,
ResearchPoints = 5000,
ResearchStars = 5,
MedalType = 3,
CombatStars = 5,
CombatPoints = 5000,
IsTutorial = false,
HighMedals = 3,
ObjectivesStars = 4
ScoreImproved = false,
allPrimary = false,
allSecondary = false
allPrimary = true,
success = true,
allSecondary = true,
completedObjectives = {
'<LOC SCENARIO_0218>Research Technology',
'<LOC SCENARIO_0220>Research Savant',
'<LOC SCENARIO_0214>End Gauge',
'<LOC SCENARIO_0216>Those Mortal Coils'
SC2_CA_C03 = {
{ },
{ },
ScoreSummary = {
ObjectivesPoints = 5000,
HighMedals = 4,
OverallPoints = 35965.77734375,
TimePoints = 2982.8889160156,
OverallMedals = 4,
ResearchPoints = 5000,
IsTutorial = false,
MedalType = 3,
CombatStars = 5,
CombatPoints = 5000,
ResearchStars = 5,
TimeStars = 0,
ObjectivesStars = 5
ScoreImproved = true,
allSecondary = true,
allPrimary = true
completedObjectives = {
'<LOC SCENARIO_0179>Station Agent',
'<LOC SCENARIO_0185>Research Technology',
'<LOC SCENARIO_0181>Ex-Files',
'<LOC SCENARIO_0608>Station Defender',
'<LOC SCENARIO_0183>Lizard King'
success = true,
allSecondary = true,
allPrimary = true
SC2_CA_C01 = {
{ },
{ },
ScoreSummary = {
ObjectivesPoints = 5000,
HighMedals = 3,
OverallPoints = 31452.7265625,
TimePoints = 5000,
OverallMedals = 3,
ResearchPoints = 4750,
IsTutorial = false,
MedalType = 3,
CombatStars = 0,
CombatPoints = 976.36364746094,
ResearchStars = 4,
TimeStars = 5,
ObjectivesStars = 5
ScoreImproved = false,
allSecondary = true,
allPrimary = true
completedObjectives = {
'<LOC SCENARIO_0155>Brain Drain',
'<LOC SCENARIO_0161>The Shield',
'<LOC SCENARIO_0159>Research Technology',
'<LOC SCENARIO_0157>The Gate Escape'
success = true,
allSecondary = true,
allPrimary = true
}, 晕,试了试不行。感谢上面仁兄。