注:目前只能做到登陆服务端,对战功能暂时无法使用。 这 o(∩_∩)o... 真的么?
沙发。 求测试~~~~ 提取码都不可用啊 已下载
Copy SC2Launcher.exe to your starcraft beta 2 directory.
Make sure all of your maps are in your USERS directory like this,
C:UserssomeuserDocumentsStarCraft II BetaMaps 恩,看不懂 求原始链接~!!!!!!!! 呃,我只有vs2008 express版,没有MFC编译不了 不明真相的群众围观中 求编译。。。。。 编译好了也不能对站啊,还需要继续开发啊。 里面的ReadMe_How_To_Setup谁给翻译一下
Readme Last Updated 3/27/2010
****To join the dev project we are at***:
irc.rizon.net (6667)
channel #sc2c
****New additions: You need to use the launcher.The launcher bypasses the second auth check*****
****Second Auth check bypass does NOt effect anything else through the b.net session****
This is the SVN repository for the StarCrack team.This is the public SVN for the StarCrack project.
SC2Debug <-- Exe Loader that injects our DLL into SC2.
SC2Emu <-- Our emulator project file.
SC2Launch <-- Our Rev 53 launcher.
StarHackDebug <-- Our DLL that gets injected into SC2
StormLib <-- Storm library used in SC2Launch for editing maps.
To Build Only the Launcher:
1) By default SC2Debug, StarhackDebug, SC2Launch build to C:Program Files (x86)StarCraft II BetaSupport, these
files have to be present in the SUPPORT folder to work correctly.
2) Build the project files and run.
3) You will need to include your own SPLASH.DDS that isnt included in the SVN.
To Build the EMU:
1) To get our EMU to correctly bypass the IP Address check you have two options, you can setup a VM or
you can setup a 2nd computer on your network to be at IP Address is for the europe
client I dont know about the english one). If you go with this option the EMU must be RAN on the your
second box.
2) Your second option is to setup a VMWare.You can download VMWare Player from here:
3) After its installed go to your network connections find VMware Network Adapter VMnet8,
set the ip address to be subnet leave the rest blank.
4) Install WindowsXP into the VMWare, on the VMWare IDE once XP is installed and running,
go to Network Adapter -> Settings Make sure "Network Connection" that NAT is selected.
5) In the Network Connections inside of the VMWare set it to be subnet,
and leave the rest blank.
6) Now drag the S2EMU binary onto the VmWare Desktop.Make sure you have .NET 4.0 installed,
in the VMWare.
7) Run the EMU everything should be fine.
8) Build the launcher and make sure to __launch__ __from__ the __launcer__.
9) you can use ANY e-mail you want but the password currentlly coded has to be 'starcrack', if you
entire in the wrong password the game will say "invalid credentials", if you type it right
the game will report "its temporally down".
10) If you get a BAD SERVER any where down the line that means you did something wrong. 编译好了。 楼上编译好然后呢? 编译好了,未发现啥实际意义。。。完毕。。。 我来试试看什么效果 编译好了弄上来我们感觉感觉呢~ 这,,,我怎么上传附件。。。
大家自己去感受吧,VS2010编译的,要.net 4.0 环境。 进来围观! 等啊等啊等啊等 怎么弄啊。。怎么用??????
EAVAEAVA 发表于 2010-3-28 20:15:00http://3dmgame.chnren.com/bbs/images/common/back.gif
sc2debug 是加载星际2用的。
SC2EMU 是服务器端。
启动SC2EMU,然后再启动sc2debug。但是现在问题是我连不上,看readme,似乎要改IP,但看源码又好像是连得127.0.0.1,但是就连不上去,不明白。。。 ok的
回复 21# xinbada007 的帖子
下了两次都是压缩包已损坏 额,第三次居然好了 求真相 期待中国黑客的出手