Shiksi Companion 新的pl同伴
Adds the hireable female mercenary companion Shiksi to the game.
This mod is work in progress and its an early test version still. Alot of planned features are not implemented,
but as this is my first mod ever I wanted to put it out here for some testing if anyone would be interested.
The aim with Shiksi is to make a slightly more controlled and combat oriented companion over a normal follower,
where the player should be able to issue commands to her not only by dialogue but from her own menu for fast action.
v 1.0;
General features
- Shiksi comes with her own V3 body (Cali) and own hairstyle (Saram). Will not overwrite any of your custom bodies
or hairstyles, they are for her only.
- Shiksi wears her own very slightly modified Talon Combat Armor (Darker color, scorpion instead of talon logo).
- Shiksi is hireable, you can find her in The Muddy Rudder bar in Rivet City lower levels. Talk to her and she'll
tag along, if you got the 500 caps she wants before teaming up with you. Due to unfortunate events during her previous
contract she is currently unarmed. You'll have to get her stuff, she is trained and skilled in Small Arms and Energy Weapons.
- Once hired you can trade items with her through dialogue, and use a few of her available commands through her own menu.
Her menu is accessed with MIDDLEMOUSEBUTTON anytime during the game, as long as she is following you and not left to
Dialogue features
- Ability to trade items.
- Basic sandbox.
Menu command features
-> Shiksi will stay at her current location, even in combat, until issued a command to stop guarding.
-> Shiksi will immideatly stop guarding and either join combat or just follow the player.
-> Shiksis default combat behaviour, she will engage, search and chase enemies freely at a distance of her own choosing.
-> Shiksi will always stay close to the player, she will engage enemies but will not chase them.
-> Do nothing.
Combat features
- Can be ordered to change combat style mid-combat (the menu options Free/Strict combat).
- Uses Stimpaks at low health, if available.
- If she dies, she dies. Not essential and no resurrection method implemented yet.
Gamesetting features
- Less damage needed to be done in order for the player to gain XP from targets that Shiksi helps killing. (15% needed damage to gain XP)
Planned features
- Alot of stuff! Like building more on the contract/mercenary concept, adding quests, more combat commands, special abilties by commands and dialogue etc.
FOSE is required! It does not require any other mods or DLC's in order to work.
Some mods that i'd generally recommend;
DivineX HOT Oiled SKin for Type3; (light version for immersion!)
A must-have in my opinion, Enchanced Blood;
Unrar and throw the provided Data folder over your current Data folder then put the .ESP with the rest of your .ESP's in that Data folder.
Delete all *Shiksi folders, delete Shiksi.esp.
Known Issues
Probably alot. Hope someone lets me know all the nasty details!
Bethsoft for the awsome game and GECK!
Dimon99 for the the number one body replacer and Kalindra04 for the nice hair.
And all the other great modders out there who have inspired me, with their great work, to try out some modding myself. :-)
回复 1# 红烧茄子 的帖子
沙发占领支持个回复 2# xuchuanlong 的帖子
话说 昨天的0123ttmm是你么? 群里的 路过.........回复 3# 红烧茄子 的帖子
?????0123ttmm是啥!!!账号吗我就这一个啊 擦了 新的嘛····悲剧啊 没汉化对话都英文吧 想要LZ头像中的美女 惊现大美女 强烈要求美女存档 哈哈够漂亮 ~~~~~~~~~~~ 她在那裡????????????? 顶下 坐标坐标啊 这不很明显么柳丁城门口 这个MOD的地址是什么?楼主不给地址,我来给 谢谢分享,东西很不错 她的胳膊很别扭啊 thz 正需要這個, 補了RR同伴, 加這個有沒有問題?? 好看呀。。。。。。。 用後評價@@功能不多, 只有看管理單和命令停留/跟隨兩項, 要注意的是補了同伴不死mod, 這位女伴仍是輕易死掉, 預設她身上有五支治療針, 不要拿掉, 她很快用完, 你還要給她補給治療針, 樣子好看, 但我拿來作花瓶在家中觀賞, 實際戰力不大。 必须回复 囧啊。。。。 根据偶对第一段英文的理解,作者应该是发布了一个测试版 楼主,没有下载地址,麻烦看下 路过支持 收下了 谢谢 在哪里下啊 不错,支持一下