【崛起/Risen】 v1.10 升级补丁
Deep Silver has released a new update for its RPG Risen, now available for download.The v1.10 patch brings a list of changes, improvements and bug fixes to the title. The download weighs in at 176 MB and is available now via Big Download, from the change log:
Risen v1.10 Patch Notes
[*]Placement of various objects in the world revised[*]Collision revised: player could previously get stuck in certain locations[*]Problem with Brogar Arena quest resolved: this quest was only offered twice in certain circumstances[*]Problem with the camera and the interface after loading a saved game resolved[*]Various locations revised where the player was teleported to the first floor upon entering a building[*]The hunters are to hunt again: problem with a dialog option that immediately ended this quest resolved[*]Problem with the trigger for the final battle resolved[*]Golden sword for the Don: this sword could be duplicated by stealing[*]Problem with signpost lighting resolved[*]Position of various quest goals revised and improved[*]Problem of the player not receiving the bastard sword after delivering the materials for it resolved[*]Interaction with benches, chairs, etc. revised[*]Various dialog options revised[*]Various error corrections made in game texts and language files 这补丁对汉化包有影响没?
很怪异的说法。哈哈哈哈…… 不知道有人试了吗?还是现在都没人玩了?
打了这个补丁会影响汉化效果吗? 小白实验结果:打了升级补丁,变回英文版
寻找解决办法 小白实验结果:打了升级补丁,变回英文版
liuxyboy 发表于 2010-3-20 21:49:00http://3dmgame.chnren.com/bbs/images/common/back.gif
打完漢化補丁後將datacommon下的gui2.00文件改名為gui2.p00試試。 改了以后方块与原来不同了,但是还是方块- -! 我也升级成了方块 然后用了这个帖子里面的方法
加上5楼的方法一起 游戏又变成中文了 7楼的,你用这方法恢复中文后,游戏版本号如何? 崛起 我不知道在哪里看版本 游戏好像没显示 不过再运行升级补丁 提示已经升级了 我也升级成了方块 然后用了这个帖子里面的方法
加上5楼的方法一起 游戏又变成中文了
study520x 发表于 2010-3-21 11:51:00http://3dmgame.chnren.com/bbs/images/common/back.gif
结果还是方块 哦`楼上是什么版本装的?
难道说要原版才可以吗? 对了,谁能翻译下,更新了什么? 没啥重大修改就算了。
希望崛起2能快点出。 昨天终于把补丁下完,装上后确实变英文。后来重装2.0版汉化,字体变成小方块,参照五楼意见,將datacommon下的gui2.00文件改名為gui2.p00,汉化成功。但是字体莫名其妙的变粗,感觉比以前更好看了。我是用的简体硬盘版,win764位系统。
回复 14# tellowa 的帖子
我安装失败了回复 15# 做男人挺好 的帖子
为你默哀一百遍啊一百遍 只能HTTP下载么?速度才个位数啊~杯具了,有下好的能传一下网盘么?发邮箱也可以,谢谢~~94527431@qq.com
感谢~~ 需不需要打免DVD补丁?