【星球大战原力释放】升级补丁 SW The Force Unleashed Patch v1
http://nsa14.casimages.com/img/2010/03/17//100317054736785467.jpgStar Wars The Force Unleashed Patch v1.2 Cracked-BAT
?General performance increase on all supported configurations.
?DMM performance increase.
?Added Version number update in launcher.
?Rogue Jedi’s tunic is now visible during gameplay.
?Emperor’s arms are now visible during gameplay.
?Fixed parts of the “Dark Lord’s Armor” from continually bouncing
http://hotfile.com/dl/33264954/76f4f91/swtfup12.part2.rar.html 顶个 非常好!不过1.2对应的免DVD现在有了吗? 我己经下载了可是不知道装上没装上,一点安装也没有反应只出了一框,打下免CD也能进游戏。游戏没变化 你再点一下升级补丁安装,看看那个框的内容 謝謝~~~ 1.2 no cd有吗? 我没打1.1补丁,能直接打1.2补丁吗? 这年头游戏真BT啊,单升级补丁就是400MB