Win7 PB 问题汇总 解决贴
目前发现WIN7 X64 X86 PB会多多少少有点问题。。。去国外搜了一下发现个解决办法大家可以试试。KillPuppy over at TF posted this. thought id share with you all. let me know if it works....
From http://arch1tect.wor...-fix-windows-7/
Currently Punkbuster (the anti-cheat software built into many multiplayer games) has major compatibility issues with Windows 7. Various fixes have been discovered for x32 versions of the Beta OS, but none (until now) for x64. Punkbuster themselves have refused to support Windows 7 until RTM, so forgive the “hackiness” of the fix, but it works.
The Fix
In both C:WindowsSYSWOW64 and C:WindowsSystem32
Open PnkBstrA.exe and PnkBstrB.exe’s properties and enable Vista Compatibility Mode, as well as “Run as administrator”. Save.
Right click on the desktop and create a new text file, then copy paste the following:
sc config PnkBstrA type= own type= interact
sc config PnkBstrB type= own type= interact
timeout 60
goto start
Save the text file as punkbuster.bat and run it (as an administrator) before joining a server.
Problem “resolved”. 大意如下,在你的windows目录下
64位在C:WindowsSYSWOW64 32位在 C:WindowsSystem32 下
找到 PnkBstrA.exe 和 PnkBstrB.exe 两个文件,属性下兼容性设定为以administrator身份
也许我OUT了早有解决办法了。 是设定为 Vista 兼容模式, 再勾选以管理员身份运行...
只有后面一个, 是让你设定那两个文件的权限的... --; 设定完还是被无情的踢出。。。。。。。唉
我是steam版本。 今天连了N次就被PB踢了N次... 我也是的, 无语了 同样问题。。 为什么我WINXP,昨天玩还好好的,今天一连就被PB踢,提示我升级,一直没办法玩, 先升级PB吧...不过照样会被T...貌似是EA服务器的问题... 已经升级到最新的了, 特意去官网手动下载的更新
貌似出错被踢时提示 PB 初始化失败... MD, EA 搞毛啊! 仍然悲剧当中... 艹TM的EA,难得买个正版游戏玩,还玩得一肚子火 是这个吧 是这个吧
ccskandy 发表于 2010-3-7 13:27:00
果然也是这个... PB 初始化失败... 有這樣的事?我試試 試了下可以呀 我剛進了個服玩著呢 我的也是啊,好不容易休息啊~~!!! 已经发现是PB预载进程和游戏进入后又一次载入进程冲突有关系。
steam已经试验成功。从13点开始到现在没被PB KICK