Re-name the gameOK, I have officially gone through my grieving process and put the TA/SC/FA trilogy in the grave. I have given up hope that the most ambitious - though failed in many ways - attempt to take RTS's to the next level has been abandoned and once again the mighty dollar has won the battle. It is a shame to see the dream die. The game needs be re-named though. I could only come up with 2 possibilities, but feel free to flame these.
since this is what the game is closer to now.
I was under the impression that this game sucked
Disappointed? List your points within!
I thought I might throw my 2 cents in and outline what I do not care for.
1) With the change to the economy. you might as well market this as a Star Craft knock off. Personally, I enjoyed being able to have enough rope to hang myself with in regards to micromanaging the economy for base expansions than you currently allow. You might as well take the queuing feature out the game because it is of no use to you for at least 15 min into it.
2) I can possibly understand that Chris T. wanted to trade off economy for research as a limiting factor to base/unit growth; however, my question is, why not have both? If you are worried that you will not be able to expand your market to a new player base due to the complexity of the game that the old economy could have created, you should have not released the game IMO. You need to have the ability to broaden you market without making you current fans feel like you are dumb-ing down the game play (See EVE Online and CCP as an example of this issue). Why not have the option to enable/disable the current system and allow the old system for the more dedicated players and ranked games. I think Complexity is what people are looking for when they turn to a Chris T. RTS game, I know i am.
3) The feel of the game is too bubbly (for a lack of a better term) the graphics feel like a knock off of the more recently released Command and Conquer graphics engine. I'm personally a fan of small, detailed, polished and intricate graphics. This trend can be seen with the Apple's Industrial design for most of their product. People like polished, small, detailed graphics, not blocky, textured graphics. This is the biggest reason why I enjoyed TA and SCFA instead of Star Craft and Cn'C. One point i would like to say in regards to the Design of the unites, you were going in the right direction. Most military units are as plain as they can be (A good design example is the UEF's sea carrier experimental) However, the "bubbly" just absolutely ruins the feel for the game for me.
总的来说,官方论坛也是骂声一片啊。 没办法,他们也没钱了……
昨天看了一个taylor的访谈,很无奈 简化经济是对的,毕竟这是RTS不是4X游戏呀,我觉得求新求变是件好事.
等大家冷静下来后,会发现SPC2是个好游戏的. 总的来说,现在官网骂游戏的已经成为被围观的怪物了……