【求翻译】貌似要出在线对战模式吗 ??lazylauncherGUI 1.2
Test volentieers for the server of my GUI可下载帖:http://bbs.5i3.com/read-htm-tid-527.html
Test volentieers for the server of my GUI
by haimmaik » Wed Mar 03, 2010 10:03 pm
if you can host please say "host"
if you only want to try joining please say "join"
i was hoping to release the next version soon but.. well.. 1 man alone cant check connection for 2 ppl
also, if there's some1 with fast internet connection that is willing to host the server ill be glad Joining TEST.
pretty simple, run the test, pick a name and hit "Test Connection"
please keep it open as long as possible and make sure u hit Test connection ONLY ONCE! even if it says you are disconnected.
NOTE: DO NOT CHANGE THE IP - haimmaik.no-ip.org
Test Download
Ill be back to check status in 30 mins.
please keep the test running untill then. 作者想要找人和他一起测试GUI,联机!
强力支持... AI众看到了曙光! 加一个下载地址
there is a MEGAUPLOAD link:
http://www.megaupload.com/?d=9LKWPSRP FIRST join test FAIL!
ok it seems that my router or something else is blocking the god damn connection and i have 1 thing to say about this: FUCK.
i ran a HOST test already and soon will be active (hopfully if ppl arnt AFK) im positive its going to work since localhost servers worked.
stay tuned 不是TEST IS OVER么 simple TCP/IP connection between 2 pcs on port 8114 est is closed
server is working
ty for all who help and for those who wanted ow what we have to do............test is finished..............but here it is disconnected.... 留名!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 就是说还不能连接吗?希望早点好啊 就要可以玩了。。。。曙光啊~~~~~~~~~ 都说什么鸟人直接说出来 这要能联了 那今年就见不到SC2正式版了 非得跳到2012年去。。。 来看看! 不能联机就能看见了么 楼上的