##### Eye colors #####
These eye colors could be used by vanilla human races.
(which can be selected on character creation, plastic surgery in game, or simply type "showracemenu" console command)
Cat Aqua
Cat Blue
Cat Gold
Cat Green
Cat Purple
Cat Red
Cat Silver
##### Wearables #####
---Cat Outfits---
xx000ea6 Cat Ears: A headband with cat ears.
xx000ea7 Cat Ears (Children) : A headband with cat ears fits child's head mesh.
xx000ea8 Cat Tail: A cat tail attachment uses body addon 3 slot.
xx001c06 Cat Ears Black
xx001c07 Cat Ears Black (Children)
xx001c08 Cat Tail Black
---Wolf Outfits---
xx001c09 Wolf Ears: A headband with wolf ears.
xx001c0b Wolf Ears (Children): A headband with wolf ears fits child's head mesh.
xx001c0a Wolf Tail: A wolf tail attachment uses body addon 3 slot.
xx001c0c Wolf Ears Black
xx001c0d Wolf Ears Black (Children)
xx001c0e Wolf Tail Black
xx001c0f Wolf Ears White
xx001c10 Wolf Ears White (Children)
xx001c11 Wolf Tail White
---Wiera Ears---
xx001c12 Wiera Ears: A headband with Wiera (a rabbit eared race in another famous game) ears.
xx001c13 Wiera Ears (Children): A headband with Wiera (a rabbit eared race in another famous game) ears fits child's head mesh.
xx001c14 Wiera Ears Brown
xx001c15 Wiera Ears Brown (Children)
xx001c16 Wiera Ears White
xx001c17 Wiera Ears White (Children)
xx001c18 Wiera Ears Yellow
xx001c19 Wiera Ears Yellow (Children)
---Devil Outfits---
xx001c1a Devil Horns: A headband with short devil horns.
xx001c1b Devil Horns (Children): A headband with short devil horns fits child's head mesh.
xx001c1c Devil Tail: A devil tail attachment uses body addon 3 slot.
可以给萝莉帝国兵用的样子 LZ是好人。。恩 兔耳那个…………雷死鄙人了…………不过猫耳那个还不错………… 这个好像是成年人的那种吧
还是喜欢平胸的说 呵呵~~有了..有了,,,,嘿嘿嘿嘿~~~ 感谢分享! 楼主很不错啊,,好样的 正愁沒有這種服飾啊~
GJ!! 對非LOLI裝的無愛 my god,too martue and outward to love with her.take it down,if more reserve.thank u nevertheless~