tifeng2 发表于 2010-2-26 23:29


OK, now how does the compilation go:
1. You type go.bat (EDIT IT before the first run to set the paths)
2. The CPP preprocessor is used to preproces the Actionscript
   (yes, you can use #include #define etc you know from C/C++)
3. The Actionsript is compiled to SWF
4. It's disassembled to FLM
5. The PHP is run on the battle.net.flm; it executes the above
   <?php GetFullFuncBody("FILENAME_WITHOUT_EXT", "FUNCNAME"); ?>
   (e.g. our Actionscript file is sc2.atl, so I place "sc2" in
   This function will use an (G)AWK script to cut out the function
   body from the disassembled FLM file and insert it in the place
   where it's located.
6. The battle.net.flm is compiled to SWF
7. It's uncompressed
8. The magic is changed to GFX
9. It's copied to the SC2Battle.net directory
10. Now you can run the SC2 and have fun with your new patch.


xiaotuxt 发表于 2010-2-26 23:29


uioqv615 发表于 2010-2-26 23:29


xxcsx 发表于 2010-2-26 23:29


skylinet 发表于 2010-2-26 23:30

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