我只关注http://teknogods.com/的破解,起码3个月后才完成都说说自己的意见吧 今年应该可以.. 不知道..楼主还没发表自己意见呢 The project almost looks dead, the devs are not even talking in the irc anymore (from what we can see) they might be chatting it up somewhere else but it seems they are trying to regroup and start from square one. From this point the crack progress is at 0%. I will try to look for other leads to a possible crack and try to look for the razor1191 connections.
If you want to help find a crack please find someone with a beta and ask them to packet log the connection so we can try to back engineer it. Also if anyone has any information please feel free to come post.
国外给的....不过个人认为 DEVS只不过换了个地方进行最后研究而已...因为最后阶段很重要不能XXXXXX-0-~ 看看什么东西 估计早呢 看看什么东西 破解看来很难。。期待正式版吧 正版出了 估计就出了 如果一直磨到正版出的时候 那么也就没有必要出盗版了 你个水男 难说 也许很久 也许一会儿就破解了 然后大家一起下载 然后大家一起对战 然后…… 我觉着吧,就这么一直说还差一点还差最后一点的。。。。。正版出之前应该没问题。至于说今天明天?开玩笑,有点不现实呢 大哥
我相信 我 “五一”节应该能玩到的吧……
汗…… 我才还得1个月吧 LZ自己打自己耳光么,标题问今天还是明天,自己说3个月出 期待中~2312312312312 结婚前一定能出,哇哈哈哈哈哈 加油加油吧 你自己不是出过几次破解了吗。。。还说自己玩上了