Progress last updated 2/25/10 at 7:25 PM Pacific TimeProgress is halted at the moment as a major setback has occurred . Not only did the devs find out they have to emulate some of the connection but bnet has patched. There is no activity from the devs and there is no clear solution or plan as of yet.
目前由于遇到很大的挫折,破解工作止步;破解人员发现必须要模拟一些与bn的通信 而此时bn又升级了破解人员目前没有进一步行动,也没有明确的解决方案和计划
http://war-lords.net/viewtopic.php?f=19&t=199&p=694 悲剧啊 极度悲剧,占个座 妖言惑众~~~~~~~~~~~`` 破解小组要低调点嘛,最好是先找到破解原理,等正式版出来以后,直接给暴雪一个下马威,嘿嘿... - -楼主翻译的真不怎么样`` 就知道暴雪要对上破解组织,不时来个补丁 没办法 BN GJ 其实bn的程序员也在关注,嘿,看你们忙活了大半天了,哥哥来个升级补丁,让你摸不着头脑 想玩个破解真不容易啊 哈哈,这会不用每天来看一下了,决定3天来看一下 暴雪的程序员也是24小时跟踪破解进程吧... LS正解 杯具啊, 杯具了 杯具年代,杯具的事。