Starcraft 2 BETA Crack progress
The project almost looks dead, the devs are not even talking in the irc anymore (from what we can see) they might be chatting it up somewhere else but it seems they are trying to regroup and start from square one. From this point the crack progress is at 0%. I will try to look for other leads to a possible crack and try to look for the razor1191 connections.
If you want to help find a crack please find someone with a beta and ask them to packet log the connection so we can try to back engineer it. Also if anyone has any information please feel free to come post. 斑竹好神速~~~...... 我要翻译!! .....这次又是真的? 期待 不明真相群众······· 又要翻墙?····················· 求翻译 不知道真假,试试 发帖的那个应该是全程报道...比较准确的...而且一有更新就跟帖发出来......是真的
,PS:,,没看原来发帖的是管理员 啥~~~~~~~ 围观的不明真相地观众不少~ 关注 我靠,说是破解完成了,连个破解链接也不放。考验耐心,失去信心。 看來又要翻牆了 网页打不开啊,好慢啊 现在的进展的话,你给贴到主楼吧
毕竟很多人懒得翻墙 07:59 <+sc2relay-01> yeah
07:59 <+sc2relay-01> i just did
07:59 <+sc2relay-01> it worked THE CRACK IS ALMOST DONE! IT WILL BE POSTED HERE ASAP...
嗯,很好,继续等。 也就是说快了?找到方法了?E文不过关的路过... 真的到是真的 但是是标题党啊
好像依然还是没有AI的破解的么 还是看录像的么
而且网站里的那张图片前几天就有人发过了... 观望中~~~~~~~~~~ 07:59 <+sc2relay-01> could u try it? im going to find out the exact values that have to be set for each button
07:59 <+sc2relay-01> yeah
07:59 <+sc2relay-01> i just did
07:59 <+sc2relay-01> it worked
07:59 -!- AlexLicious [] has joined #sc2c
07:59 -!- Pyr3x [~Pyr3x@A850D506.3DF3A787.7F93266D.IP] has quit
08:00 -!- Eeppi [] has quit []
08:00 -!- mib_vmlhlz [] has joined #sc2c
08:00 < dataStorm> ok so it worked, the game is cracked, kk
=-=...浏览量太大....当然慢了... 将就的看吧 Google翻译····· 网通能进,不知道电信的网是咋回事。
但是你好歹放个破解包和教程出来,日了,这次的破解真不爽。假消息满天飞,一堆小白拿着测试号瞎胡磕碜。 机翻的能不能不捣乱,你能看懂啊? ASAP?
现在所有人心情都美丽了。 3DM的假消息真多。。。