居家必备同伴 ElrawielRRCompanions
One is in a small shack near Paradise Falls, the other is inside Paradise Falls itself.
There is a small backstory to these companions, all made as lore-friendly as possible with some ties to major characters. You can get this story by starting at Craterside Supplies, where a letter has been left for Moira.
Alternatively, you can travel to the shack outside Paradise Falls and access the terminal within for the full story.
There have been a few weapons added (No new textures/meshes, not that great with the G.E.C.K yet :P), usually vanilla weapons with a few stat changes (More damage, less crit%. More crit%, less damage etc..)
地址:http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=11360 茄子辛苦 谢谢啊 這個mod需要rr, 又是一個巨型mod 找遍整個銀河電台找不到 谢谢分享,东西很不错 辛苦了~茄子 没明白 没看懂…… 我看他的介绍 只有两个同伴啊 哪里来的地三个啊?