zhangshaofox 发表于 2010-4-22 19:53


huangtaozx 发表于 2010-5-9 10:55

哥。求解啊。我創建了兩個帳號了!!但是還是給我這句話:You must have at least one full version of a Blizzard Entertainment game attached to this Battle.net account in order to set up your beta profile.

sflpd 发表于 2010-5-29 22:07

貌似现在再申请都是显示You must have at least one full version of a Blizzard Entertainment game attached to this Battle.net account in order to set up your beta profile. 估计是暴雪调整过策略了。

lei6100 发表于 2010-5-30 16:55


maedaameza 发表于 2010-6-14 00:11

You must have at least one full version of a Blizzard Entertainment game attached to this Battle.net account in order to set up your beta profile.

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