Dragon Age 帅翻了的套装-The Ivory Tower and Nightfall Bloom
It's known that while having Arcane Warrior mage spec, DA: O does not have armor suitable for it. In vanilla, if you choose to be an Arcane Warrior you are restricted either to Reaper's Vestments (but if you choose to do so you can easily forget the "warrior" part of arcane warrior spec name, because you look like you have just escaped the circus), or standard heavy/massive armor, that has nothing to do with the fact that you are mage. Thank gods for the modmakers whose work brings us many Arcane Warrior armors sets. But I have always found the massive armor models that were used by modders on most occasions, unsuitable for my characters. So I decided that I have to make my own armor set and a friend of mine told me to post it here.
This set is suitable for elven and human mages.All set parts are retextured and have custom icons. Helmet, gloves and boots if worn together, give the wearer a set bonus of fatigue reduction and willpower. If you find stats too/not enough powerful you are free add the ones you like better via The Winter Forge
First mod I've posted to public so comments/suggestions are welcome.
1. Download the .dazip file.
2. Run Daupdater.exe (It is in your program folders "dragon age originsbin_ship" folder) or use DAModder.
3. Install The Ivory Tower v.0.1.dazip
4. Run DA: O, if you load the saved game, armor will show up in your inventory, if you starting a new one disable The Ivory Tower in your DLC menu, create character, enter game, save and exit game, enable The Ivory Tower mod in your DLC menu once again and load the game.
5. Have fun.
Uncheck the module in the in-game "Downloaded Content" menu. If you use DAModder just uninstall via its menu.
http://www.dragonagenexus.com/downloads/images/645-2-1264413365.jpg 楼主的角色是人是鬼? 其实你人物没装MOD的话 穿上这身装备超级土的说 - - 我试过后的感觉 两把武器还勉强衣服就不好看 主要是身形问题~~~~ 求猫姐发改过的武器版本~明明是盗贼双持的说T T 没看出多美,就原版的甲拼凑起来而已,截图色调难看得要死 还好唉,我进游戏让我家海伦试穿了一下,貌似不错... 求猫姐发改过的武器版本~明明是盗贼双持的说T T
benbi 发表于 2010/2/5 19:19:00http://3dmgame.chnren.com/bbs/images/common/back.gif
你先教我怎么把游戏里的道具打包=V=||| =w=~真是悲剧~ 穿上效果还行。上面的图太吓人了··。 穿上效果还行。上面的图太吓人了··。
Tzero 发表于 2010/2/5 19:45:00http://3dmgame.chnren.com/bbs/images/common/back.gif
顶楼的图是作者滴,各个角度都有,我觉得比较全面就放上来了 下载不能了,发个国内连接吧 很漂亮啊~~~要是多点发光就爽了 下身竟然不是裤子是裙子...感觉怪怪的..上身很重甲的感觉下身突然变味了! 我给M穿了,她变的淑女多了 下身竟然不是裤子是裙子...感觉怪怪的..上身很重甲的感觉下身突然变味了!
yingyuan6 发表于 2010/2/6 3:17:00http://3dmgame.chnren.com/bbs/images/common/back.gif
我觉得裙甲比那个星星膝盖关节护甲好看也 我也这么觉得 楼主发的那点东西。。D网都有啊。。
搬那么多做什么 ???偶装上咋包包里看不到呢???求高人指点!!!! 没看出多美,就原版的甲拼凑起来而已,截图色调难看得要死 你还能看钢板呢,我这里咋装不上呢? 用DAMODDER装 说是成功了,进游戏咋就是没有呢- -! 帮忙啊啊啊啊! 冰雪套装啊 只有奥法战士能用 o(︶︿︶)o 唉 这是国王金甲啊,改了一个颜色而已 太华丽了啊,强烈支持,帅啊 我觉得好难看啊,真的 怎么下啊 我是E盲请问点哪个下啊 感覺身高不夠的話 穿起來不好看啊。。。 我装过,法师穿还是挺好看的 衣服的确很美....但人的样子却............................楼主你还是看众多楼上人的评论吧