Hi everybody,since our main website is having some issues with the many many visitors and the many many F5-F5-F5-harharhar we're moving the beta contest of 17:00 CET today to our forums.
This topic (link) will be updated around 17:00 with MANY beta keys. Hundreds of them in small batches of ~10.
How do you access the contest forum? You need to have at least 25 posts on our forums before you can access the beta keys.
Bad Company 2 Ranked servers by i3D.net in London, Amsterdam, Frankfurt
这是http://forum.badcompany2.com/battlefield-series-news/144829-bad-company-2-beta-keys.html 上面的
http://www.i3d.net/bf-bc2-beta-keys-signup.php 网站上也写着Thousands of more keys will be available
Saturday 17:00 CET
at our forums (Request beta keys)
··· 没搞头了···· 要在他们论坛注册··然后回25贴·····才看得到KEY···· 洗洗JJ后睡吧 叫他去死吧,含家产 唉...气死人了.. 被阴了