就是在游戏根目录里的AI.INI文件。MaxNodesPerQuadTreeLeaf 128 // Max Graph Nodes in one Quad Tree leaf
PathGraphStitchMoveThreshold 0.1 // Distance an object must move before being restitched in path graph
TerrainBorderNodes 41 // Number of nodes down one side of a terrain chunk
TerrainLineResolution 5.0 // How many meters per terrain line segment
GlobalLOSLimit 100.0 // Maximum distance anyone can see (ray cast performance tradeoff)
DeadBodyLOSLimit 10.0 // From how far away someone can see a dead body.
DefaultViewCone 120.0 // View cone angle (degrees) for most people
DefaultCombatViewCone 120.0 // View cone angle (degrees) for most people in combat
DefaultSneakViewCone 50.0 // View cone angle (degrees) for most people
DefaultViewConePitch 0.0 // Degrees that the view cone of most people is pitched (vertical angle)
DefaultCombatViewConePitch 0.0 // Degrees that the view cone of most people in combat is pitched (vertical angle)
DefaultESPDistance 0.0 // Distance at which we can "feel" people behind us
RelationshipsCPUBudget 0.5 // Maximum amount of time (ms) that can be spent updating AI relationships
RelationshipsRayBudget 15 // Maximum amount of raycasts that can be used while updating AI relationships
AIDistanceSpore 1000.0 // Distance at which AI stops simulating anything
AIDistanceBasic 30.0 // Distance at which AI uses simplest possible simulation
SchedulesPerFrame 10 // Number of schedules to update per frame
RunSpeed 4.915 // Maximum speed we run (m/s)
WalkSpeed 1.4707 // Maximum speed we walk (m/s)
GooseSpeed 2.5 // Maximum speed we goosestep (m/s)
NeedsAttractionRadius 40.0 // Radius at which we find attraction points to satisfy needs
SafetyRecoveryRate 8.5 // Units per second that safety recovers
LowerPanicThreshold 40.0 // Percentage of safety at which we begin to panic (hysteresis)
UpperPanicThreshold 45.0 // Percentage of safety at which we stop panicking (hysteresis)
ThreatRetainTime 5.0 // How long threats are remembered that have gone out of sight (secs)
OnHavokEventRadius 4.5 // Radius in which people get OnHavokEvent callbacks for collisions. Must be <=4.5m
Panic_GunShotSoundRadius 30.0 // Radius in which civilians hear gunshots and panic
Panic_DesiredSafetyDistance 50.0 // How far away we like to get from the scary thing (not used)
Panic_DamageRadius 5.0 // Radius in which civilians panic as a result of someone being hurt
Panic_SabActingStrange 20.0 // Radius at which civilians notice Sean acting strangely
Panic_FireRadius 10.0 // Radius at which fire makes people panic
Combat_NumDeadGuysForEsc1Min 1 // How many guys can die before we move into the first stage of escalation (min). (boo!)
Combat_NumDeadGuysForEsc1Max 1 // How many guys can die before we move into the first stage of escalation (max). (boo!)
Combat_NumDeadGuysForEsc2Min 2 // How many guys can die before we move into the second stage of escalation (min). (grr!)
Combat_NumDeadGuysForEsc2Max 2 // How many guys can die before we move into the second stage of escalation (max). (grr!)
Combat_NumDeadGuysForEsc3Min 5 // How many guys can die before we move into the third (lethal) stage of escalation (min). (die!)
Combat_NumDeadGuysForEsc3Max 5 // How many guys can die before we move into the third (lethal) stage of escalation (max). (die!)
Combat_TimeUntilEsc1 10.0 // How much time can pass before we move into the first stage of escalation.
Combat_TimeUntilEsc2 15.0 // How much time can pass before we move into the second stage of escalation.
Combat_TimeUntilEsc3 2000.0 // How much time can pass before we move into the third (lethal) stage of escalation.
Combat_IsEscapingDist 10.0 // How far away the target can run before we consider him to be 'escaping'.
Combat_TargetCanFleeMeleeTime 20000.0 // How long the target can run away from melee guys without entering melee himself before we escalate.
Combat_RedToOrangeTime 3.0 // How long we can not see the target in combat before we flip to orange mode.
Combat_MaxNumGuysShooting 4 // How many guys we allow to be shooting at a single person.
Combat_SquadFireTurnTime 2.0 // How long a single "turn" of firing lasts in a squad.
Combat_BadDuckChance 0.5 // How often Nazis choose the flawed duck animation behind cover
Combat_PlayerTargetPriority 0.7 // Modifier on player priority in target selection.
Susp_RunAfterTargetInYellow 10.0 // How far away the target can get in susp.yellow before we start running after him.
Susp_PerceptionRadiusDay 35.0 // Perception ring, daytime value
Susp_PerceptionRadiusNight 20.0 // Perception ring, nighttime value
Susp_PerceptionRadiusSneak 10.0 // Perception ring, sneaking
Susp_LoiteringNearRadius 0.0 // Distance to be in LoiteringNear radius.
Susp_LoiteringMidRadius 0.0 // Distance to be in LoiteringMid radius.
Susp_LoiteringFarRadius 0.0 // Distance to be in LoiteringFar radius.
Susp_QuestioningRadius 5.0 // Base size of questioning radius
Susp_YellowTimeUp 30.0 // How long you have after doing something suspicious before the guys go red.
Susp_YellowSpeedUpRate 1.5 // Multiplier on how much faster the guys get when you do something new suspicious while they're suspicious.
Susp_StandingTooClose 1.0 // How close you can stay to a nazi for him to continue thinking it's creepy.
Susp_StandingTooCloseInitial 0.9 // How close you can get to a nazi to start before it gets kind of creepy.
Susp_IsFleeingTimer 1.0 // How long the player can be fleeing before the meter says he's fleeing.
Susp_BumpTimer 1.0 // How long a suspicious bump lasts.
Susp_VehAssaultTimer 2.0 // How long a suspicious vehicular assault lasts.
Susp_SabotageThreshold 100.0 // The distance at which the suspicion meter rate for sabotage switches from near to far.
Susp_ShadowBoxingMaxDist 5.0 // How far you can be shadowboxing from a nazi and still be suspicious.
Susp_ShadowBoxingThreshold 1.0 // The distance at which the suspicion meter rate switches from melee to shadowboxing.
Susp_SneakingReallyCloseThreshold 2.5 //The distance which sneaking gets its maximum suspicous multiplier
Susp_SneakingCloseThreshold 5.0 //The distance which sneaking gets a middle value suspicious multiplier
Susp_SuperLowMult 1.25
Susp_LowMult 3.0
Susp_MedMult 6.0
Susp_MedHighMult 12.0
Susp_HighMult 45.0
Susp_CooldownMult -2.0
Susp_CooldownMult_Fast -4.0
Disg_SuperLowMult 1.25
Disg_LowMult 3.0
Disg_MedMult 6.0
Disg_MedHighMult 12.0
Disg_HighMult 45.0
Disg_CooldownMult -0.5
Disg_CooldownMult_Fast -0.5
Disg_CooldownRateMin -0.1
Disg_CooldownRateMax -3.0
Disg_CooldownRateTime 15.0
Disg_DisguiseRadius 35.0
Disg_ClamberingRadius 35.0
Disg_SabotageRadius 15.0
Disg_StealthKillRadius 35.0
Disg_ShadowBoxingRadius 15.0
Disg_WeaponAimedRadius 35.0
Disg_GrenadeThrowRadius 35.0
Disg_SneakingRadius 15.0
Disg_SuspicionZoneRadius 35.0
Disg_LoiterRadius 6.0
Disg_JogRadius 15.0
Disg_SprintRadius 35.0
Disg_RagdollRadius 15.0
Susp_HoldSuspiciousState 2.0 // How long we hold the suspicious state before switching back to cooldown.
Susp_MovingInChkPtMult 1.0 // Multiplier on suspicion grow rate while moving around in a checkpoint.
Susp_ShadowBoxingMult 0.5 // Multiplier on suspicion grow rate while shadowboxing.
Susp_ClamberingMult 3.0 // Multiplier on suspicion grow rate while clambering.
Susp_SneakingMultReallyClose 6.0 // Multiplier on suspicion grow rate while sneaking.
Susp_SneakingMultClose 1.0 // Multiplier on suspicion grow rate while sneaking.
Susp_SneakingMult 1.0 // Multiplier on suspicion grow rate while sneaking.
Susp_SabotageNearMult 30.0 // Multiplier on suspicion grow rate while sabotaging with someone close.
Susp_SabotageFarMult 3.0 // Multiplier on suspicion grow rate while sabotaging with no one close.
Susp_ProximityMult 6.0 // Multiplier on suspicion grow rate while standing too close to a Nazi.
Susp_LoiteringNearMult 0.0 // Multiplier on suspicion grow rate just for being seen with LoiteringNear radius.
Susp_LoiteringMidMult 0.0 // Multiplier on suspicion grow rate just for being seen with LoiteringMid radius.
Susp_LoiteringFarMult 0.0 // Multiplier on suspicion grow rate just for being seen with LoiteringFar radius.
Susp_SprintingMult 0.0 // Multiplier on suspicion grow rate if we're sprinting.
Susp_SuspicionZoneMult 5.0 // Multiplier on suspicion grow rate while seen in a suspicion zone.
Susp_FailingPaperCheckMult 2.0 // Mulitplier on suspicion grow rate while fooling around in a checkpoint.
Susp_WeaponHolsteredMult 3.0 // Multiplier on suspicion grow rate while having a weapon visible.
Susp_MeleeMult 1.0 // Multiplier on suspicion grow rate while in melee.
Susp_FleeingMult 1.0 // Multiplier on suspicion grow rate while fleeing.
Susp_VehAssaultMult 10.0 // Multiplier on suspicion grow rate while assaulting a nazi with a vehicle.
Susp_WeaponReadyMultNear 5.0 // Multiplier on suspicion grow rate while holding a weapon close to a nazi.
Susp_WeaponReadyMultFar 2.5 // Multiplier on suspicion grow rate while holding a weapon farther from a nazi.
Susp_WeaponReadyDistNear 5.0 // Under this distance, weaponready is near.
Susp_WeaponReadyDistFar 20.0 // Over this distance, weaponready is far.
Susp_WeaponAimed 3.0 // Multiplier on suspicion grow rate while aiming a weapon.
Susp_WeaponFireMult 30.0 // Multiplier on suspicion grow rate while firing a weapon.
Susp_RestrictedAreaMult 45.0 // Multiplier on suspicion grow rate while seen in a restricted area.
Susp_HijackingMult 45.0 // Multiplier on suspicion grow rate while hijacking a Nazi.
Susp_HostileZoneMult 20.0 // Multiplier on suspicion grow rate while seen in a hostile zone.
//Susp_CooldownMult -4.0 // Multiplier on suspicion shrink rate while not doing anything, and no one sees me and no one is near me.(should be negative number.)
Susp_CooldownSeenMult -2.0 // Multiplier on suspicion shrink rate while not doing anything but people see me.(should be negative number.)
Susp_EscalationMult 2.5 // Multiplier on suspicion grow rate while the world is escalated.
Susp_InvestigateMult 1.5 // Multiplier on suspicion grow rate when seen by someone who is yellow/orange.
Susp_NaziVehicleMult 0.5 // Multiplier on suspicion grow rate when wearing a Nazi costume and sitting in a Nazi vehicle.
Susp_PuttingOnDisguise 100.0 //Seen putting on a disguise!
Disg_RunAfterTargetInYellow 10.0 // How far away the target can get in susp.yellow before we start running after him.
Disg_PerceptionRadiusDay 20.0 // Perception ring, daytime value
Disg_PerceptionRadiusNight 20.0 // Perception ring, nighttime value
Disg_LoiteringNearRadius 4.0 // Distance to be in LoiteringNear radius.
Disg_LoiteringMidRadius 8.0 // Distance to be in LoiteringMid radius. Disg_LoiteringFarRadius 12.0 // Distance to be in LoiteringFar radius.
Disg_QuestioningRadius 5.0 // Base size of questioning radius
Disg_YellowTimeUp 30.0 // How long you have after doing something suspicious before the guys go red.
Disg_YellowSpeedUpRate 1.5 // Multiplier on how much faster the guys get when you do something new suspicious while they're suspicious.
Disg_YellowDisguiseMult 0.25 // Multiplier on how much more slowly than normal the suspicion timer goes up when disguised.
Disg_StandingTooClose 1.0 // How close you can stay to a nazi for him to continue thinking it's creepy.
Disg_StandingTooCloseInitial 0.8 // How close you can get to a nazi to start before it gets kind of creepy.
Disg_IsFleeingTimer 1.0 // How long the player can be fleeing before the meter says he's fleeing.
Disg_BumpTimer 1.0 // How long a suspicious bump lasts.
Disg_VehAssaultTimer 1.0 // How long a suspicious vehicular assault lasts.
Disg_SabotageThreshold 10.0 // The distance at which the suspicion meter rate for sabotage switches from near to far.
Disg_ShadowBoxingMaxDist 5.0 // How far you can be shadowboxing from a nazi and still be suspicious.
Disg_ShadowBoxingThreshold 1.0 // The distance at which the suspicion meter rate switches from melee to shadowboxing.
Disg_MovingInChkPtMult 2.0 // Multiplier on suspicion grow rate while moving around in a checkpoint.
Disg_ShadowBoxingMult 0.5 // Multiplier on suspicion grow rate while shadowboxing.
Disg_ClamberingMult 3.0 // Multiplier on suspicion grow rate while clambering.
Disg_SneakingMult 6.0 // Multiplier on suspicion grow rate while sneaking.
Disg_SabotageNearMult 30.0 // Multiplier on suspicion grow rate while sabotaging with someone close.
Disg_SabotageFarMult 3.0 // Multiplier on suspicion grow rate while sabotaging with no one close.
Disg_ProximityMult 2.0 // Multiplier on suspicion grow rate while standing too close to a Nazi.
Disg_LoiteringNearMult 25.0 // Multiplier on suspicion grow rate just for being seen with LoiteringNear radius.
Disg_LoiteringMidMult 4.0 // Multiplier on suspicion grow rate just for being seen with LoiteringMid radius.
Disg_LoiteringFarMult 1.0 // Multiplier on suspicion grow rate just for being seen with LoiteringFar radius.
Disg_SprintingMult 5.0 // Multiplier on suspicion grow rate if we're sprinting.
Disg_SuspicionZoneMult 0.0 // Multiplier on suspicion grow rate while seen in a suspicion zone.
Disg_FailingPaperCheckMult 0.0 // Mulitplier on suspicion grow rate while fooling around in a checkpoint.
Disg_WeaponHolsteredMult 0.0 // Multiplier on suspicion grow rate while having a weapon visible.
Disg_MeleeMult 1.0 // Multiplier on suspicion grow rate while in melee.
Disg_FleeingMult 1.0 // Multiplier on suspicion grow rate while fleeing.
Disg_VehAssaultMult 10.0 // Multiplier on suspicion grow rate while assaulting a nazi with a vehicle.
Disg_WeaponReadyMultNear 0.0 // Multiplier on suspicion grow rate while holding a weapon close to a nazi.
Disg_WeaponReadyMultFar 0.0 // Multiplier on suspicion grow rate while holding a weapon farther from a nazi.
Disg_WeaponReadyDistNear 0.0 // Under this distance, weaponready is near.
Disg_WeaponReadyDistFar 0.0 // Over this distance, weaponready is far.
Disg_WeaponAimed 5.0 // Multiplier on suspicion grow rate while aiming a weapon.
Disg_WeaponFireMult 60.0 // Multiplier on suspicion grow rate while firing a weapon.
Disg_RestrictedAreaMult 0.0 // Multiplier on suspicion grow rate while seen in a restricted area.
Disg_HijackingMult 45.0 // Multiplier on suspicion grow rate while hijacking a Nazi.
Disg_HostileZoneMult 0.0 // Multiplier on suspicion grow rate while seen in a hostile zone.
//Disg_CooldownMult -0.5 // Multiplier on suspicion shrink rate while not doing anything, and no one sees me and no one is near me.(should be negative number.)
Disg_CooldownSeenMult -0.5 // Multiplier on suspicion shrink rate while not doing anything but people see me.(should be negative number.)
Disg_EscalationMult 2.0 // Multiplier on suspicion grow rate while the world is escalated.
Disg_InvestigateMult 1.25 // Multiplier on suspicion grow rate when seen by someone who is yellow/orange.
Disg_NaziVehicleMult 0.1 // Multiplier on suspicion grow rate when wearing a Nazi costume and sitting in a Nazi vehicle.
Disg_PuttingOnDisguise 100.0 //Seen putting on a disguise!
Esc_Cooldown 12000.0 // How long it takes for escalation to cooldown. (per escalation state)
Esc_CooldownRestricted 5.0 // How long it takes for escalation to cooldown after using a hide point.
Esc_DeadGuys1 0 // Number of dead guys for escalation1.
Esc_DeadGuys2 5 // Number of dead guys for escalation2.
Esc_DeadGuys3 12 // Number of dead guys for escalation3.
Esc_DeadGuys4 24 // Number of dead guys for escalation4.
Esc_DeadGuys5 30 // Number of dead guys for escalation5.
EscRes_DeadGuysToReset1 5 // Number of dead guys in a fightback zone to zero out escalation.
EscRes_DeadGuysToReset2 10 // Number of dead guys in a fightback zone to zero out escalation.
EscRes_DeadGuysToReset3 15 // Number of dead guys in a fightback zone to zero out escalation.
EscRes_DeadGuysToReset4 25 // Number of dead guys in a fightback zone to zero out escalation.
EscRes_DeadGuysToReset5 100 // Number of dead guys in a fightback zone to zero out escalation.
Esc_WorldPopTether 15.0 // Leash length of world pop guys during escalation.
Esc_WorldPopBreakTether 30.0 // Break tether of world pop guys during escalation.
Esc_AggrFleeProx 5.0 // How far you have to be from any nazi you've engaged with before we consider you 'fleeing'.
Esc_TargetNumGuys1 4 // Target number of guys we want to maintain per escalation state.
Esc_TargetNumGuys2 6 // Target number of guys we want to maintain per escalation state.
Esc_TargetNumGuys3 6 // Target number of guys we want to maintain per escalation state.
Esc_TargetNumGuys4 5 // Target number of guys we want to maintain per escalation state.
Esc_TargetNumGuys5 5 // Target number of guys we want to maintain per escalation state.
Esc_NextSpawnTime1 20.0 // Don't spawn anyone else for this long.
Esc_NextSpawnTime2 15.0 // Don't spawn anyone else for this long.
Esc_NextSpawnTime3 15.0 // Don't spawn anyone else for this long.
Esc_NextSpawnTime4 10.0 // Don't spawn anyone else for this long.
Esc_NextSpawnTime5 5.0 // Don't spawn anyone else for this long.
Esc_NextSpawnTimeMax1 10.0 // If all the nazis are dead, you can wait at most this long for the next wave.
Esc_NextSpawnTimeMax2 10.0 // If all the nazis are dead, you can wait at most this long for the next wave.
Esc_NextSpawnTimeMax3 5.0 // If all the nazis are dead, you can wait at most this long for the next wave.
Esc_NextSpawnTimeMax4 5.0 // If all the nazis are dead, you can wait at most this long for the next wave.
Esc_NextSpawnTimeMax5 2.0 // If all the nazis are dead, you can wait at most this long for the next wave.
Esc_NoMoreChasersTime 30.0 // After this many seconds, we stop refreshing the chasers.
Esc_PostFightBackGracePeriod 5.0 // After winning fightback, you have this many seconds before you can escalate again.
EscLite_SuspicionRadius 20.0 // How big the escalation lite suspicion radius is.
EscLite_TimeOut 60.0 // How long escalation lite lasts.
Susp_AutoSuspRadius 15.0 // How big the suspicion radius is on guys who have suspicion radii.
Esc_GuysLeftForNextSpawn1 3 // Spawn another vehicle when we've got this many or fewer guys left.
Esc_GuysLeftForNextSpawn2 5 // Spawn another vehicle when we've got this many or fewer guys left.
Esc_GuysLeftForNextSpawn3 8 // Spawn another vehicle when we've got this many or fewer guys left.
Esc_GuysLeftForNextSpawn4 10 // Spawn another vehicle when we've got this many or fewer guys left.
Esc_GuysLeftForNextSpawn5 10 // Spawn another vehicle when we've got this many or fewer guys left.
EscRes_GuysLeftForNextSpawn 10 // Spawn another vehicle when we've got this many or fewer guys left.
EscRes_NextSpawnTime1 5.0 // Don't spawn anyone else for this long in escres.
EscRes_NextSpawnTime2 1.0 // Don't spawn anyone else for this long in escres.
EscRes_NextSpawnTime3 1.0 // Don't spawn anyone else for this long in escres.
EscRes_NextSpawnTime4 1.0 // Don't spawn anyone else for this long in escres.
EscRes_NextSpawnTime5 1.0 // Don't spawn anyone else for this long in escres.
EscRes_NextSpawnTimeMax1 5.0 // If all the nazis are dead, you can wait at most this long for the next wave.
EscRes_NextSpawnTimeMax2 5.0 // If all the nazis are dead, you can wait at most this long for the next wave.
EscRes_NextSpawnTimeMax3 5.0 // If all the nazis are dead, you can wait at most this long for the next wave.
EscRes_NextSpawnTimeMax4 2.0 // If all the nazis are dead, you can wait at most this long for the next wave.
EscRes_NextSpawnTimeMax5 2.0 // If all the nazis are dead, you can wait at most this long for the next wave.
EscRes_PostFightBackFadeTime 1.0 // How long it takes to fade into/outof black after a fightback zone completes.
EscRes_PostFightBackBlackTime 1.0 // How long the screen stays black after a fightback zone completes.
EscRes_AmbushNoBubbleUpdateTime 5.0 // How long we won't update the bubble for if someone gets peeled off in the ambush.
EscRes_KillByResistance 0.25 // What fraction of a kill by a resistance member counts during fightback.
Esc_ZepBurstFire 3.0 // How long the esc minizep fires.
Esc_ZepBurstNoFire 5.0 // How long the esc minizep doesn't fire.
Esc_ZepLightAttempts 4 // How many stabs in the dark the zep makes at finding the player with its light before it spots him.
Esc_ZepHitRate 0.1 // Probability of bullet hitting player.
//Bubble_RadiusSQ_Spawn 15625.0 // Size of temporary AI action bubble (inner, spawn radius, squared) -- 125m
//Bubble_RadiusSQ_Despawn 16129.0 // Size of temporary AI action bubble (outer, despawn radius, squared) -- 127m
CivReaction_Radius 10.0 // Radius at which civs react to Sean for "Sean Character" effects
CivReaction_Time 0.25 // How often civs react to Sean for "Sean Character" effects
CivReaction_FlirtJealousFreq 1.0 // How often people flirt/are jealous toward Sean in high WTF (0-1)
CivReaction_SuspiciousPointFreq 0.1 // How often people react to Sean being suspicious
CivReaction_RadiusComplex 10.0 // Radius at which civs react to Sean for complex Sean Character effects, like Nazi taunting and Doris girls
Disposables_MaxMale 20 // How many disposable humans can be on screen at one time (male)
Disposables_MaxFemale 20 // How many disposable humans can be on screen at one time (female)
Disposables_MaxVendor 10 // How many disposable humans can be on screen at one time (vendor)
Disposables_NaziPadding 30 // How many Nazis are allowed before disposables start getting kicked out
Combat_ArmoredCover_MinDist 4.0 // Don't cover self within this distance of damage dealer in meters
Combat_ArmoredCover_NoDamageTime 2.0 // Time after taking damage that guy will stay in covered pose
Combat_ArmoredCover_Cooldown 3.0 // Time after taking cover that we allow to pass before doing it again
Combat_ArmoredCover_Retry 0.5 // Time after requsting cover behavior to wait before asking again
Combat_Dodge_Cooldown 3.0 // Time after dodging that we allow to pass before doing it again
Combat_Dodge_Retry 0.5 // Time after requsting dodge behavior to wait before asking again
Combat_ResistanceFriendlyFireThreshold 99.0 // How much damage resistance will take from player before turning on him.
Combat_ResistanceFriendlyFireTimeout 5.0 // How long resistance will hold you as a target if you insist on shooting at him. 我也想知道呀。这个貌似蛮有用的~ 帮顶~这个蛮有用的。请神人来看看吧~
这个文件在 游戏目录里 叫 ai.ini打开看看就知道~
貌似对游戏优化有帮助的~ 英文极烂的我路过..... 貌似这个可以修改游戏```我研究下`~!虽然我不懂`~!