安装方法:要用游戏自带的安装器安装,打开你的客户端“Dragon Age OriginsDragon Agebin_ship”文件夹下有个 “daupdater.exe”程序 双击然后点击“Select DaziPs”选择刚下的MOD ,安装,显示Installe安装成功(有时候上边的安装条不大到头,只要显示Installed就行了)
卸载方法:当你用daupdater.exe安装的时候,安装完成不要退出,点下Log选项,底下出现Save Log,点它,保存到桌面,里边就有你刚安装的Mod的存档位置和名字,删除你的文档DocumentsBioWareDragon AgeAddInsmod文件夹下的相关所有文件及文件夹。
(安装卸载方法感谢by007awp 阿光同学的帖子。)
The Immortal Phoenix,
"In Aeons past afortime Andraste's plea, when the maker was still proud of his creations and tread through his lands in all its wondrous and glory, existed fiery beings of Benevolent nature. Phoenix' as they were known, were angelic creatures covered from head to toe in a coat of beautiful golden feathers ever enkindled with flickering flames. They'd soar through the skies during the day bringing warmth to the more frigid parts of the world and at night return to their abodes deep within the earth enveloping the worlds core.
The phoenix played a grand role in our world, it was to accumulate all the sins of creation during the day and consume the dark evils and errors of the world into its flameing heart, when it returned to its abode at night.
However when the maker created man it didn't take long before the sins of the world grew many timesfold, consequently building to a point where even the great phoenix' would not be able to devour and aleviate all that evil and hate. Alas one by one they succumbed to the evils which they consumed, burning so furiously untill all that was left was ash and dust"
--From Chronicles of old and past: The Divine Beastiary, by brother Oros of the Chantry.
- stats
- longsword Dragonbone
- increase melee crit chance 15%
- chance to ignithe target 40%
- messy kills
- on hit effect - weakens and bloodies target
长剑 (龙骨)
近战致命一击几率提高 15%
命中-削弱目标并使目标流血不止 沙发!~ 名字很拉风 喜欢 让不死鸟三个字勾进来了 手欠,点进来~鄙视LZ不要玩儿文字游戏,我对鸟姐的憧憬的心,
我可是2003年就跟随鸟姐的啊~(可惜原来的ID丢了) yy众还真是多啊。。。下次我做个“死鸟双刀”好了。。。 自从用了冬之铸造2.2.。。。再也不用下装备MOD 了。。。咱都看着属性自己做,木哈哈哈哈 原帖由 mk2 于 2009-12-19 23:24:00 发表
原来这位兄弟也是03年的同仁啊~我原来的ID叫sugo0909 图有点小,装上看看效果~~ 這武器爽度100 样子果然拉风!!!!!!!!! 我一直没搞懂messy kills有什么用,哪位来解释一下? ....................................- - messy kills有这个就好,样子很不错的 安上看看效果... 膜拜不是鸟双剑。。。 太好了!!我刚好需要双刀 感谢LZ !! messy kills有什么用处?? 非常喜欢,谢谢楼主分享! 样子挺好看的. 好拉风!! 名字不错- - 不知道鸟姐是否有意见 不说什么,顶了,然后拿走,然后耍酷 顶楼主,神器大家分享哈哈 样子很不错,谢谢啦 流血不止。。。额滴神 谢谢分享............!!!! 这文字描述像WOW的风格