好东西 《龙腾世纪:起源》 对话字体放大MOD 大家快来
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November 12, 2009.
Project home page:
=== !!! NOTE !!! ===
This is VERY alpha stage at the moment. I've uploaded this file to serve as proof of concept that it can be done, and to generate feedback about it.
This will make the NPC response lines use a 24 pt font size instead of 16 pt.
It will probably be too large to stay within the cutscene bars from time to time, but shouldn't get cut off.
I chose 24 because it was large and I wanted to see how it looked. There should be nothing stopping me from using a different font size.
I can't change the cutscene bar size for various reasons that I'm not going to get into right now, but suffice it to say getting this much done was a dirty hack.
I'll see about player response lines, but they're already so packed that a larger font size would almost guarantee they spill out - plus PC responses tend to be a lot shorter and easier to read than NPC ones.
Copy conversation.swf to the folder My DocumentsBioWareDragon Agepackagescoredataguiexportoverride.
The folders along that path probably won't exist for you yet; create them as necessary.
The SWF file is actually decompressed, so while small, it's still a lot larger than normal. I can recompress it for a final release, but this state makes it more useful for anybody else who wants to poke around with it.
Just remove the file conversation.swf. It should have no bearing on your save game.
放到 My DocumentsBioWareDragon Agepackagescoredataguiexportoverride
字体对话全面放大《龙腾世纪:起源》 对话字体放大MOD 最新版
大家都是有素质的人嘛,,,觉得好的回个贴,谢谢 其实更想要个对话暂停的MOD
回复 2# nuitaric 的帖子
下个变速齿轮就好,WIN7放哪里??? 顶顶顶~~~~好东西 收藏 谢谢分享 天哪,终于找到想要的了,话说龙腾这个字体设计的真脑残,逼我用1024*768的分辨率,但那样画面又太次了 谢谢啊,那样看起来好多了 不错,字体果然大了 好东西谢谢大神 正好需要这个 好东西阿支持
期待再加强 希望用过得兄弟来说说,我也希望换大字 好东西~~ 很好很好。我喜欢大字体。这样看起来不费事。充分照顾我的近视眼 虽说看不懂英文 ,但还是要顶下、、、、、、、、、、、、、、、、 多谢LZ,这个MOD非常实用 感谢分享,确实帮了大忙,通一次就得50小时左右,反复玩的话,小字太费眼睛 大心,有了这个眼睛舒服多了 恩 ~字体太小了确实不方便啊~~ 顶上,顺便补充一点,作者说,如果没有在相应路径下找到相应文件,自己创制相应的文件夹放进去就可以了。 写了,下一个备用 确实解决问题了。谢谢! 非常感谢楼主! 感谢楼主, 下来试试 顶顶顶~~~~好东西 好好好!!!!!!!!!!!!! 看来有心人确实是多啊,谢谢 可不可以把所有字幕都出现在屏幕下方啊? 14寸1440*900 的跪拜谢过,总算可以少点两滴眼药水了 好东西就是要回的 确实很好 这样看起来舒服多了!