核武器更新 FMRTE v3.0.125(更新中文版)
添加了中文文件,并重新打包上传,现在是中文的了FMRTE v3.0.125 - Released
I'm proud to announce that a new version of FMRTE is avaiable.
This new version of FMRTE is compatible with the first patch of FM 2010 (Patch 10.1)
Changelist (121 Rev2 to 125)
- Added support to STEAM and Digital Download versions of FM
- Added a Freeze/Unfreeze button in Players profile, this feature freezes the attributes of a player..THIS FEATURE was not tested properly so use it at your own risk!!
- In clubs finances now you can select the sugar daddy type
- Club debt's are now editable
- Fixed bug in Preset Manager Staff Roles Attributes "Manager" and "Assistant Manager" were missing
This version is Compatible with:
- Football Manager 2010 Demo (all versions)
- Football Manager 2010 (10.0.1 80381 - DVD)
- Football Manager 2010 (10.1.0 84702 - DVD)
- Football Manager 2010 (10.1.0 84847 - STEAM)
- Football Manager 2010 (10.1.0 84667 - Digital Download)
- If you have WSM instead of FM, please send me an email as at this moment FMRTE is not compatible with any version of WSM.
Languages Included:
- Deutsch
- Dutch
- English
- French
- Polish
- Spanish
http://d.namipan.com/sd/1206358 教坏小朋友~~ 好 东西 哈哈。好东西哦。哈哈哈。炸死他们。哈哈哈哈 我下载玩了为什么打不开啊? 能编辑经理资料吗???????? 什么都可以。 不是都更新到210了